The Research Division fosters academic exploration through a wide array of special programs, educational initiatives, and conferences. In 2023, we celebrated our 25th Annual Research Day, a multidisciplinary conference featuring highlights of the academic work across our department. The conference theme was “Innovations in Global Health and Global Health Technologies.”

We also host a monthly academic conference called Discovery Rounds where we hear from researchers at all stages of their academic journey. For our national and international colleagues, our esteemed faculty educator Ozan Akca, MD, FCCM leads the research education course, “Introduction to Clinical Research for Academic Anesthesiologists”.

Our research health equity initiatives include the Health Equity Honors awards program, health equity research electives, and a range of independent projects advancing health equity.

Please explore below to learn more about our featured programs.

ACCM’s monthly department-wide research seminar: Discovery Rounds
Our research health equity initiatives include the Health Equity Honors awards program, health equity research electives, and a range of independent projects advancing health equity

Introduction to Clinical Research for Academic Anesthesiologists
Led by Hopkins faculty educator Ozan Akca, MD, FCCM, and University of Alabama at Birmingham professor Jean-Francois Pittet, MD, our educational course ICRAA is a national course for early-career investigators. We will have 28 national level young faculty joining the course as trainees and about 20 renowned advanced career faculty serving as instructors.

Download 2024 ICRAA Flyer  

Planned ICRAA Course Classes 2024-2025  

For over 20 years, Research Day has become entrenched in our department’s culture and is well recognized for the quality of science presented and spirit of camaraderie that it engenders.

25th Annual ACCM Research Day Highlights