The Johns Hopkins Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine is consistently one of the top funded anesthesiology departments in the country. A variety of funding opportunities are available throughout the year for faculty and fellows. Extramural support is available through governmental (NIH, NSF) and private foundations, and intramural support is available via departmental programs such as the StAAR awards. Anyone interested in applying to a granting agency should contact the Research and Grants Office to coordinate the submission process.
The Stimulating and Advancing ACCM Research (StAAR) Awards aim to allocate departmental investment funds that promote the career and program development of its faculty. StAAR awards are administered to faculty through a comprehensive, peer-reviewed process to support innovative research proposals that have a high likelihood of being leveraged into extramural funding. There are two grant submission deadlines each year for awards that fund a period of 12 months.
For full details go to:
Finding Health Statistics
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Finding Datasets for Secondary Analysis
- NIH Home https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/index.html
- Grant Submission Schedule: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/submissionschedule.htm
- To sign up for NIH weekly updates, go to: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/listserv.htm
- Institutes, Offices & Centers: https://www.nih.gov/icd/index.html
- National Heart Lung & Blood Institute: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/funding/index.htm
- Dept. of Defense: Click here for more DOD federal resources
- Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality: https://www.ahrq.gov/funding/index.html
- NIAID – New Investigator Guide: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/grants-contracts/new-investigators
- NSF (National Science Foundation): https://www.nsf.gov/funding/index.jsp
- National Institutes of General Medical Sciences Diversity Supplements Program https://www.nigms.nih.gov/Research/mechanisms/Pages/diversityphilosophy.aspx
- List of current limited submissions opportunities available through Johns Hopkins: https://research.jhu.edu/funding-opportunities/limited-submissions/
- Listings of internal and external funding opportunities on JHU Research website: https://research.jhu.edu/funding-opportunities/
- Animal Care at JHU: https://www.jhu.edu/animalcare/
- ICTR (Institute for Clinical and Translational Research): https://ictr.johnshopkins.edu/ictr/
- IRB (Institutional Review Boards): https://irb.jhmi.edu/
- Technology Transfer: https://ventures.jhu.edu/technology-transfer/
- Links to agency websites, searchable funding databases, and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine funding opportunities: https://ora.jhmi.edu/
- Proposal Preparation Information: https://ora.jhmi.edu/information-for-proposal-preparation/
- GrantForward, a searchable funding database: https://www.grantforward.com/index
- COS: Community of Science Database: https://pivot.proquest.com/funding_main COS is a database that enables individualized searches (including automatic updates) of approximately 400,000 funding opportunities and $33,000,000,000.00 in funding from federal and private sources.
The Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine department provides a rich and diverse array of research areas for post-doctoral fellowship training opportunities for PhD, MD, and MD/PhD trainees. Our postdoctoral training program supports your career development and training in research, promotes collaboration with our renowned investigators, and encourages your contribution to important scientific research.
ACCM Equipment List
ACCM researchers have access to several pieces of research equipment that is shared amongst the PI’s. Click to see list (Excel).
Combined Flow Cytometry and Functional Imaging
Promotes access and training to flow cytometry and live imaging technology for successful research projects, grant funding, and peer reviewed publication within the department. The ACCM combined flow cytometry and live-imaging core was established to provide the department with state-of-the-art data acquisition technology. The core contains two pieces of equipment, the CytoFLEX and the IncuCyte, that enable flow cytometry and live imaging-based data acquisition. The core offers users hands-on training, experimental design assistance and troubleshooting. For more information, contact Dr. Nikki Heller at [email protected].
Leica SP8 inverted confocal microscope.
ACCM employees have access to the Confocal Microscope on the 9th floor of the Ross building. The Leica SP8 confocal microscope is on a Leica DMi8 inverted microscope stand (DMi8CEL). In order to make a reservation, visit: http://confocal.jhu.edu/current-equipment/.
The members of the Sponsored Projects Office assist faculty members from the grant proposal pre-award aspects of grant funding through the post-award process. In the pre-award stage, the highly trained analysts assist faculty in developing the budget proposal and complete the required forms for NIH grants and various foundations. Furthermore, they act as liaisons between the faculty members and the Johns Hopkins Office of Research Administration to ensure that grants are accurately submitted to the various agencies.
In addition, the financial analysts monitor all expenditures for each grant, including salaries, and report to the faculty member on a regularly basis. The office also assists with progress reports, close-out of grants, and various other finance-related activities.
In the post-award cycle, the Sponsored Projects Office is responsible for closing the accounts and assisting the investigators in preparing the final accounting reports, which will be sent to the various foundations and agencies.
To Contact the ACCM Sponsored Projects Office: [email protected]
Sponsored Projects Tracker
Biographical Sketch
Other Support