Posts by shuffin1
Sapna Kudchadkar Is Finalist for President’s Frontier Award
Dr. Sapna Kudchadkar was honored as one of three finalists for this year’s President’s Frontier Award. Each year, Johns Hopkins selects one recipient for the award in a university-wide competition. […]
February 2021 ACCM Achievements
Grants Received Sung-Min Cho, DO, MHS, received a grant from Gilead for a study titled Long-term impAct in inTEnsive caRe survivors of CORonavirus Disease-19 (The AFTERCOR Study). It is a […]
Chief CRNA Update, February 2021
Chief CRNA Update, February 2021
Wailin Lau Receives 2020 Olive Berger Award
Ms. Wailin Lau, received the third annual 2020 Olive Berger Award, recognized for Clinical Excellence and Leadership. Ms. Lau, a seasoned and highly experienced CRNA, has demonstrated both clinical excellence […]