Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Simulation-Based Education and Research page. This program utilizes state-of-the-art technology combined with evidence-based teaching to create a unique and highly effective method of anesthesia training.

Beginning prior to orientation in July of CA1 year through graduation from residency, this longitudinal curriculum is regarded as one of the highlights of resident education, as it prepares future anesthesiologists for the complexity and uncertainty of clinical anesthesia practice.

Headed by Drs. Christina Miller and Adam Schiavi, both published and recognized in simulation and medical education research, this program boasts a roster of dedicated attendings with simulation and specialized content expertise who dedicate their time and talent to training the next generation of anesthesiologists.

Please enjoy exploring this world-class, innovative program and the fantastic resources listed on this page.

Check out our ACCRAC episode for more information:
Episode 245: Simulation in Anesthesia Education with Drs. Miller and Schiavi | ACCRAC Podcast

If you have any questions, you can direct them to accm_sim@jh.edu.

Christina Miller, MD
Assistant Professor Of Anesthesiology
Co-Director, Simulation-Based Education and Research

Christina Miller is an Assistant Professor in the Neuroanesthesia Division. She has been involved in residency education, with specific and extensive involvement in Simulation Based Education since 2010. She has participated in Simulation Boot Camp as a faculty member since 2013 and became co-director of the program in 2015. This program prepares CA-1 residents with the basic skills needed for OR anesthesia practice prior to completion of orientation and now involves 29 resident participants annually who each receive ten high-fidelity simulation experiences over one week. Christina coordinates the schedule, faculty, design and set-up of this program and has published research on its impact on self-efficacy of participants from over a decade of experience. Simulation Boot Camp is also a platform for educational research including several randomized controlled trials evaluating various cognitive and psychomotor skills and impact on learning, performance, cognitive load and biometric factors including EEG, that is, we evaluate the efficacy of our teaching methods and continuously modify and optimize our curriculum. Simulation Boot Camp is the launching pad for a three-year immersive simulation and workshop curriculum, tailored to individual level of experience, that takes place during dedicated education “College Days” twice monthly throughout the year. Christina coordinates this curriculum using input from residents to maintain current and relevant content that addresses clinical concerns. The simulation program is unparalleled in terms of total hours, breadth and depth of topics, and investment of clinician educators. The curriculum is a portfolio of over twenty scenarios ranging from basic skill experiences to complex multi-disciplinary high acuity situations on general and sub-specialty topics, as well as hands on workshops, games, and obstacle courses – you never know what is going to come up next!

Adam Schiavi, MD, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor Of Anesthesiology
Co-Director, Simulation-Based Education and Research