Schiavi A, Mershon B, Gottschalk A, Miller C. Measurement of information transfer during simulated sequential complete shift – to – shift intraoperative handoffs. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes. Feb 2023; 7(1) 9-19.

Pappada S, Hamza Owais M, Aouthmany S, Rega P, Schneiderman J, Toy S, Schiavi A, Miller C, Daly Guris R, Papadimos T. Personalizing simulation – based medical education: the case for novel learning management systems. Int J Health Sim. Nov 2022.

Daly-Guris R, Miller C, Schiavi A, Toy S. Examining novice anaesthesia trainee simulation performance: a tale of two clusters. BMJ-STEL 2021; 7(6): 548-554. PMID: 35520970

Miller C, Toy S, Schwengel D, Schwartz S, Schiavi A. Resident preparation for the American Board of Anesthesiology objective standardized clinical examination: A comparison of distance learning telesimulation to in-person simulation. J Educ Perioper Med 2021 Jul-Sept; 23(3): E669. PMID: 34631967 https://doi: 10.46374/volxxiii_issue3_miller

Miller C, Jackson E, Lee B, Gottschalk A, Schiavi A. Anesthesia simulation boot camp – A decade of experience enhancing self-efficacy in first – year residents. J Educ Perioper Med 2020 Oct-Dec; 22(4): E653. PMID: 33447652

Patel S, Miller C, Schiavi A, Toy S, Schwengel D. The sim must go on: adapting resident education to the COVID-19 pandemic using telesimulation. Adv Simul 5:26 2020.

Berman DJ, Schiavi A, Frank SM, Duarte S, Schwengel D, Miller CR. Factors that influence flow through intravascular Catheters: The clinical relevance of Poiseuill’s Law. Transfusion 2020 July;60(7):1410-1417.

Toy S, Miller C, Daly-Guris R, Duarte S, Koessel S, Schiavi A. Evaluation of 3 cognitive load measures during repeated simulation excercises for novice anesthesiology residents. Simulation in Healthcare 2020 Dec;15(6):388-396. PMID 33269900

Miller C, Toy S, Schwengel D, Isaac G, Schiavi A. Development of a Simulated Objective Structured Clinical Exam for the APPLIED Certification Exam in Anesthesiology: A two-year experience informed by feedback from exam candidates. J Educ Perioper Med 2019:Oct-Dec; 21(4): E633. PMID: 32123698

Kim T, Schiavi A, Miller C, Schwengle D. Comparison of Case-based Learning to Simulation –based Learning for teaching Malignant Hyperthermia Concepts to Anesthesiology Residents. J Educ Perioper Med 2019:Oct-Dec; 1;21(4):E631. PMID: 32123696

Daly Guris R, Duarte S, Miller C, Schiavi A, Toy S. Training Novice anaesthesiology trainees to speak up for patient saftey. Br J Anaesth. 2019;122(6) 767-775. PMID: 30916005

Leeper WR, Haut ER, Pandian V, Nakka S, Dodd-O J, Bhatti N, Hunt EA, Saheed M, Dalesio N, Schiavi A, Miller C, Kirsch TD, Berkow L. Multidisciplinary Difficult Airway Course: An Essential Educational Component of a Hospital-Wide Difficult Airway Response Program. J Surg Educ. 2018;75(5):1264-75. PubMed PMID: 29628333

Cha S, Gottschalk A, Su E, Schiavi A, Dodson A, Pustavoitau A. Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in Simulation-Based Advanced Cardiac Life Support Scenarios. J Anesth Perioper Med. 2018;5(2):61-69