Jed Wolpaw, MD, M.Ed

I am honored to have the privilege of facilitating resident education in The Johns Hopkins Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Our department has a strong tradition of excellence in clinical care, education, and research and our residents are an integral part of each of those areas. I see my job primarily as being an advocate for our residents to make sure their experience here is as fulfilling as it can possibly be. That includes having the best clinical experiences and didactic education, but also structuring our program to foster resident resilience and overall well-being. I am proud to get to work with our incredible faculty and amazing residents to make this goal a reality.

Our residents come to us from a variety of different backgrounds: most directly from medical school, some are board certified in other specialties, some are physician-scientists, and still others have entered medicine after having a very successful nonmedical career. Our diversity makes us a dynamic group where we can all learn from each other and the different perspectives that each person brings. While we differ in many ways we also share a common thread linking each of us to the medical profession — the desire to do something meaningful, to provide compassionate and outstanding care to patients when they are most vulnerable.

The mission of the residency program in anesthesiology at The Johns Hopkins Hospital is to train outstanding clinical anesthesiologists who are leaders in clinical and academic anesthesiology and to support them as they complete that training process. We provide unparalleled exposure to complex patients and cases, more dedicated time to teaching and simulation than any other program in the country, and a commitment to resident well-being that fosters resilience and reduces the burnout that is so often seen in medical training.

Our twice a month college days are full days dedicated to resident education where residents have no clinical responsibilities. This allows us to provide board review sessions, case discussions, flipped classroom sessions with faculty experts, well-being sessions and more. Residents are exposed to cutting edge leadership philosophies and training and world-leading quality and safety programs such as Lean Sigma and Comprehensive Unit Based Safety Program (CUSP). And, just as importantly, residents are given the opportunity to take ownership of their own education through helping to shape the overall didactic curriculum and by choosing electives during CA-3 year to tailor their final year to what they find most beneficial for them.

I work in the OR, the ICU and do research on well-being and education, but the best part of my job and what keeps me excited to come to work each day is the chance to work closely with our residents who are, without a doubt, some of the most dynamic, dedicated, intelligent, fun people that I know. Please take a few minutes to learn more about our program. I hope you will consider joining us.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

All the best,

Jed Wolpaw, MD, M.Ed
Residency Program Director

Chief Residents Welcome

Brandon Barrett, MD
Chief Resident

Jake Blum, MD
Chief Resident

Samantha Roche, MD, MPH
Chief Resident

We wish to welcome you to the Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Residency Program. Our program will prepare you for the rigors of a career in anesthesiology by utilizing the wealth of diverse academic, research, and clinical resources found at Johns Hopkins. Our graduates can be found among the leadership of many departments throughout the country, representing all facets of anesthesia practice including academics, research, and private practice. Their success is a testament to the excellent training and diverse opportunities afforded to our residents.

As Chief Residents we have an opportunity, as well as an obligation, to ensure that the future of the Johns Hopkins Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Residency Program remains as bright as its past. We accomplish this year to year by recruiting the future leaders of our specialty to train at our historic and innovative institution. The department is seeking well rounded candidates who have the ability and determination to advance our specialty through avenues of clinical excellence, academics, research and the pursuit of leadership positions within healthcare.

Upon arrival to Hopkins as a first year anesthesia resident you will find yourself in an immersive and well-structured residency program. For the first month you will be paired with another CA1 and an attending for two weeks at a time. There is a rigorous schedule of didactics and multiple sessions of simulation. There will also be lunch provided for the whole department in order that you become integrated into the Hopkins family. 

After orientation, resident education is advanced by an innovative Hopkins program called College Day. Every other Thursday you will be divided into four “colleges” made up of residents from each year and lead by a faculty member to partake in didactics, simulation, journal club, business development, leadership, and systems based practice. This is protected time set aside by the department to ensure that each resident has a consistent and high quality education throughout the year. Beyond structured education, we have a clinically diverse, innovative, and intellectually stimulating work environment. Our department is represented in every corner of our vast institution and our attendings have nationally recognized expertise in innumerable topics: including ICU care, pain management, regional anesthesia, OB, pediatrics, adult, neuro and cardiac to name just a few. It is from interaction with these mentors that you will master your craft.

Although our program is large and rigorous, we foster an inviting atmosphere here at Hopkins. We are a social group with monthly end of block happy hours, as well as bowling nights, charity events, a holiday party, a graduation party and a summer crab feast. We get together often to enjoy the wonderful city we call home. Baltimore, nicknamed ‘Charm City’ for its friendly people and atmosphere, is a vibrant East Coast city. There are vibrant livable neighborhoods within the city as well as conveniently located suburbs and rural areas. With the low cost of living, many of our residents are homeowners and all can comfortably live with an expendable income. Those who spend even a short time in Canton, Little Italy, Fell’s Point or the Inner Harbor will feel the charm and energy of Baltimore.

In conclusion, Hopkins fosters a collegial and supportive learning environment. Our graduates are eminently prepared for the changing demands of our growing and important specialty. Thank you for your consideration during this application season and we sincerely wish you the best of luck.