NCCU Designated as Precision Medicine Center of Excellence
The Johns Hopkins Precision Medicine Center of Excellence for Neurocritical Care (NCC PMCOE) has been recently established at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. This newly designated NCC PMCOE will function under the umbrella of the Precision Medicine program and will use the PMED analytic platform. The Precision Medicine Program has committed funding and resources for the next 2 years to help the NCCU PMCOE investigators realize their aims developed from a value framework seeking a clinical impact:
Aim 1: To develop and implement a highly accurate risk prediction score for post-operative neurosurgical complications. We hypothesize that this risk score will effectively identify low-risk neurosurgical patients who can be triaged to less intensive environments other than the NCCU in a safe and efficient manner.
Aim 2: To develop and implement a highly accurate risk prediction index of neurological deterioration for NCCU patients. We hypothesize that this risk index can effectively alert clinicians so they can emergently evaluate and manage at-risk patients before clinical deterioration occurs.
Aim 3: To determine the efficacy and effectiveness of the NCCU triage score and neurologic deterioration index by testing them in pragmatic clinical trials evaluating clinical and economic outcomes.
NCC PMCOE Leadership
Director: Jose I Suarez, MD
Deputy Director: Robert Stevens, MD
Scientific Lead: Robert Stevens, MD; William Stanley Anderson, MD, PhD; Betsy Zink, RN,
Data Managers: Peter Dziedzic, MS; Eusebia Calvillo, RN
inHealth Resources (all provided by the PM Initiative):
Data Manager
Data Science
Health Economics
Health System Business Analysis
Project Management
Division Faculty and Clinical Associates
Jose Suarez, MD
Division Chief
Juan Carhuapoma, MD, FAHA
Sung-Min Cho, DO, MHS
Romer Geocadin, MD
Austen Lefebvre, MD
Rohan Mathur, MD, MPA
Marek Mirski, MD, PhD
Athir Morad, MD
Susanne Muehlschlegel, MD, MPH
Paul Nyquist, MD, FAHA, FCCM
Hans Puttgen, MD
Kathryn Rosenblatt, MD
Adam Schiavi, MD, PhD, MS
Robert Stevens, MD
Tachira Tavarez, MD
Wendy Ziai, MD, MPH
NCCU Nurse Practitioners
Lourdes Carhuapoma, MS, ACNP-BC, CCRN
Marie Depew, MS, ACNP-BC, CNRN
David Hering, MSN, AG-ACNP-BC
Breana McKinnon, DNP
Khushbu Patel, DNP, AG-ACNP-BC
Batya Radzik, MSN, CRNP
NCCU Research Nurses
Eusebia Calvillo, BA, ADN, RN, CCRP