What We Do:
The ACCM Division of Informatics, Integration, and Innovation enables and promotes the use of data management, workflow development, and culture change to create a learning healthcare system within the Department. It is the Division’s goal to improve the health and outcomes of patients by establishing pathways for data to knowledge transformation and the development of models for meaningful system integration. Improved access to and use of information will allow Departmental members and their collaborators to have even great impact on clinical outcomes, medical operations, and population health. The Division is also committed to promoting education in aspects of information technology and use for all members of the Department.
Request for Proposals: BME 580
The Division of Informatics, Integration, and Innovation has co-developed a studio design course with the Institute for Computational Medicine of Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering (BME). This course brings graduate and undergraduate BME students together with ACCM faculty mentors to develop computational solutions to real clinical problems.
One of our goals is to increase the number of projects and project teams. That’s where you come in! You don’t have to be a scientist or funded researcher to get involved. If you have ever run into a clinical problem or question that might be answered by the combination of: highly motivated, super-intelligent, enterprising BME students + BME Faculty support + your insight, teaching, and mentorship – then please consider submitting a proposal for the upcoming academic year. The proposal template is attached for your review . For those who are interested, please send an email to rplacek1@jhmi.edu.
Division Spotlight
We are pleased to announce that Robert D. Stevens, MD, FCCM will serve as the first Director of Precision Medicine for ACCM. Dr. Stevens is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Radiology who is uniquely qualified to lead this new and important effort within ACCM. As the new Director, Dr. Stevens will support and expand the scope of precision medicine activities within ACCM and closely integrate them with the initiatives and resources of the University and School of Medicine in precision medicine.
Robert’s recent research applies advanced statistical and artificial intelligence methods to precision approaches in intensive care and perioperative medicine. He is the Associate Director and Scientific Lead of the Precision Medicine Center of Excellence (PMCOE) for Neuro Critical Care (the first PMCOE within the ACCM) and has faculty appointments in the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering, the Institute for Computational Medicine, and the Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science. Robert is recognized nationally and internationally as the Chair of several influential working groups and committees of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), and the Neurocritical Care Society.
Dr. Stevens brings an unmatched enthusiasm and intelligence to his new role as the Director of Precision Medicine and is uniquely qualified to guide the Department in this rapidly expanding area of medicine. His plans for the department include establishing new data-driven science programs, expanding access to diverse datasets, creating an educational and research track for Precision Health, and generating new revenue streams. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Stevens as he takes on this leadership position in the ACCM.
Visit https://dhsi.med.jhmi.edu for more details.
Please contact Ryan Placek (rplacek1@jhmi.edu) for more information.
Grand Rounds
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Division of Health Sciences Informatics hosts Grand Rounds on Fridays from 12:15 to 1:15 throughout the academic year (locations may change).
Visit https://dhsi.med.jhmi.edu/content/current-grand-rounds for more details.
Educational Resources
AMIA: https://www.amia.org Biomedical Engineering: https://www.bme.jhu.edu Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Division of Health Sciences Informatics: https://dhsi.med.jhmi.edu/ Tech Ventures: https://ventures.jhu.eduDivision Faculty
Robert Stevens, MD, FCCM
Division Director
Jim Fackler, MD
Associate Division Director
Luis Ahumada
Melania Bembea, MD, MPH, PhD
Brian Bush, MD
Nauder Faraday, MD, MPH
Michael Grant, MD
Betsy Hunt, MD, MPH, PhD
Ali Jalali
Asad Latif, MD, MPH
Mohamed Rehman, MD
Adam Sapirstein, MD
Jose Suarez, MD
Raimond Winslow, MD
Bradford Winters, PhD, MD, FCCM