Adult Critical Care Fellowship
The overriding principle of the Johns Hopkins Adult Critical Care Fellowship is that one does not specialize but “generalizes” in Critical Care Medicine. This multidisciplinary tenet resounds through all levels of these fellowship programs. This program reflects a cross-disciplinary perspective that is integrated with the Department of Surgery’s Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine and highlights a significant commitment to critical care medicine as an independent subspecialty.
To be the leader in evidence-based patient care, education, and research for the care of critically ill patients and incorporate patient/family values into that care.
To provide value to our customers as their preferred resource for mastery in the diagnosis and management of complex problems in critically ill patients and for creating dynamic leading-edge solutions that significantly advance health.
Continually seek to provide an evidence-based structure and process for care. We are metric and outcomes driven. We continually refine and refocus our efforts, aiming for improved outcomes.
We provide an educational environment optimized for the development of clinical/basic science leaders in multidisciplinary critical care medicine.
We value reliability, trust, and integrity in all aspects of our work.
We seek explanations for clinically relevant problems and strive to find and develop new and innovative solutions so that our customers are ensured leading-edge care.
We strive to identify all customers, measure and monitor their values and levels of satisfaction with our service, and continually improve service satisfaction.
We seek to develop a work environment that allows us to enjoy work and a team-spiritedness that encourages enjoyment in our non-work environment.
Building a learning and care environment that feels welcoming to all learners, teachers, and patients. We commit to learning about, identifying, and rectifying sources of bias, structural racism, and disrespect in all their forms. We aim to work towards a model of critical care rooted in anti racism and social justice.
Unique aspects of the Johns Hopkins Anesthesia Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
- Integral relationship with the Department of Surgery and the Halsted Surgical Residency
- The Department of Surgery highly values our fellows and their contributions to patient care. Our fellows play a central role in patient management.
- The Department of Surgery provides access to procedure workshops in our state of the art surgical training center.
- Integration of clinical and educational experiences with the medical Pulmonary Critical Care program.
- As part of the curriculum, fellows learn alongside Pulmonary CCM colleagues in didactics. Pulmonary CCM fellows also participate in clinical activities, enhancing the multidisciplinary approach to learning and patient care
- Multiple ICU faculty are dual trained in cardiothoracic anesthesia as well as critical care medicine
- The Adult Critical Care Division has a fleet of state of the art ultrasound machines for cardiac, pulmonary, abdominal ultrasound
- Image storage, documentation, data management and review utilize the software platform Qpath.
- State of the art ultrasound machines include: GE Venue, Phillips EPIQ, GE Vivid E9 with capabilities for tissue doppler, strain analysis, and AI integration for auto-VTI assessment of cardiac output, auto-IVC assessment, and auto B-line calculation.
- Organized curriculum and infrastructure to support training and certification in the National Board of Echocardiography Critical Care Echocardiography examination.
- Organized “ultrasound month” at the beginning of the year with up front intense ultrasound training to build a defined core understanding.
- Also the opportunity for a 1 year non ACGME fellowship in critical care ultrasound following the critical care fellowship year.
- Critical Care related Elective opportunities: Neuro Critical Care, Cardiac Critical Care, Cardiac Surgical Critical Care, Medical/Pulmonary Critical Care
- Clinical: Nephrology, Infectious Disease, TEE, Liver Transplant, Imaging
- We hold multiple fellow workshops in our simulation center: Mechanical Ventilation, ultrasound boot camp, and simulations to facilitate optimal end of life care, to name a few.
- Wellness is a key focus of the fellowship. We focus on bolstering resilience and mentor fellows in the skills needed to cultivate a successful and durable career in critical care and anesthesiology. We discuss books, leadership, and cultivating mindfulness.
- Multiple divisional events are held throughout the year to enhance our sense of community.
Please direct questions about the fellowship to the Program Director, Michael Banks, MD, MEHP at mbanks2@jhmi.edu.
Michael Banks, MD, MEHP
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Program Director, Adult Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
ACGME Accredited: Yes
Duration of Program: 1 Year, additional years for research, further education (e.g. MPH, Graduate Training Program in Clinical Investigation), or other subspecialty fellowships can be accommodated on an individual basis
Positions Available: 7
Application Date(s)/Deadline(s): Applications accepted November 1st through February 28th. Interviews will take place between the end of January and early April.
Basic Qualifications: Completion of an ACGME accredited residency in Anesthesiology, Surgery, or Emergency Medicine (see details below)
Match Process: Critical Care Anesthesiology Match (www.sfmatch.org) (link to how to apply section below)
Candidates interested in completing training in both adult critical care and cardiothoracic anesthesia at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine over a 24 month period, please contact the Medical Training Coordinator at accm-critical-care@jhmi.edu for further information.
All applicants must register with the San Francisco Matching Program (information can be found on www.sfmatch.org)
Please also include the following with your SF Match application submission:
- Minimum of 3 letters of recommendation
- At least 1 letter must reflect your performance in a critical care unit setting.
- Medical school transcripts
- Medical school performance evaluation
Applications will be reviewed only after receipt of all required materials to the SF Match.
- Interviews are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis until interview slots are full. Interviews occur on Mondays in January, February, March and April.
- Arrangements for remote interviews will be made only on an exceptional basis (i.e. those serving overseas as active duty military).
Must be either:
- Graduate of medical schools in the US and Canada accredited by the LCME, or
- Graduate of osteopathic medicine in the US accredited by AOA, or
- Graduate of medical schools outside the US or Canada who have a currently valid certificate from the ECFMG.
Must be either enrolled in, or have graduated from, an ACGME-accredited residency program in anesthesiology or surgery. Prospective fellows who have graduated from residency must provide a letter from their residency training program director verifying successful completion of training at the time of application. Applicants currently enrolled in a training program must have verification of successful completion provided prior to starting the fellowship.
Must have demonstrated experience and aptitude in critical care medicine.
Must be legally able to maintain training/employment in the U.S. for the duration of the fellowship program. Our program will sponsor J1 (exchange) visas for appropriate non-US citizens, and will assume sponsorship of an H1B visa for applicants currently sponsored by another institution.
Must be eligible for a Maryland medical license or to be registered in Maryland as an unregistered medical practitioner.
Must pass a criminal background check.
Must successfully complete the Johns Hopkins Credentialing process and be approved for clinical duty by the Johns Hopkins Medical Staff Office.
2 Year Programs Available
- Combined Critical Care and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship
- Combined Critical Care and Liver Transplant Anesthesiology Fellowships
- Combined Critical Care and T32 Research Fellowships
- Combined Critical Care and Critical Care Ultrasound Fellowships
The overall goal of the Anesthesia Critical Care Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University is to:
- Provide an educational environment optimized for the development of clinician/Basic science leaders in multidisciplinary critical care;
- Allow fellow to build mastery in diagnosis and management of complex problems in critically ill patients;
- Allow fellow to acquire an appreciation for the depth and breadth of the specialty of critical care medicine including: scientific principles, medico-legal issues, ethical dilemmas, administrative duties, educator responsibilities and benefits, and performance improvement;
- Teach principles of study design and statistical analysis;
- Allow the fellow to appreciate the role of information management in the critical care setting; and
- Provide clinical and basic science research opportunities
Clinical Exposure
The core program is centered in a surgical intensive care environment including the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU, 16-beds), the Weinberg Intensive Care Unit (Weinberg ICU, 20-beds), and the Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit (15 beds). Patients, representing more than 9,000 patient-days, are admitted from the adult trauma, transplant, vascular, cardiac, thoracic, orthopedic, plastic, obstetric, gynecologic-oncology, endocrine and general surgical services.
Formal Education
Formal educational programs include a daily lecture series that covers an extensive list of critical care topics related to physiology, pharmacology, patient management, critical care billing, and unit administration. A multidisciplinary weekly journal club meets with participation from fellows and attendings from the SICU, MICU, CSICU, NCCU and PICU. Monthly performance improvement meetings, clinical research forums and multi-unit case conferences further enhance the educational environment. ICU Teaching Conferences include:
- Critical Care Journal Club
- ICU Morbidity and Mortality
- ICU Performance Improvement
- Critical Care Case Conference
- Critical Care Research
- ICU Fellow Seminar
Hawaii Rotation
We are excited to continue our collaboration with Queens Hospital in Honolulu via the Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute to begin a month long ACGME approved away rotation for our Critical Care Scholars.
The experience includes clinical experience in the combined MICU/Surgical ICU and incorporate telemedicine to coordinate the care and transport of critically ill patients on the neighboring Hawaiian islands who presented to lower acuity centers.
Bermuda Rotation
Funded 1 month elective in the community ICU at Bermuda’s primary hospital. Coordinated through Johns Hopkins International.
Pakistan rotation
Funded 1 month elective in international critical care medicine and emergency response at the University of Aga Khan University (Previous fellowship graduates Asad Latif is the chief of the Department of Anesthesiology, Adil Haider is Dean of the Medical College).
More info: https://youtu.be/8GYIjd_-fzo and https://www.aku.edu/news/Pages/News_Details.aspx?nid=NEWS-001677
Typically individuals participating in the two-year tracks have a strong interest in clinical or basic science research. Research integrating staff and support across all of the adult, pediatric, and neonatal ICUs and related Primary Departments demonstrates further our commitment to multidisciplinary CCM and its acceptance hospital and university-wide. We provide research opportunities in:
- Health Sciences
- Outcomes
- Risk Factor Assessments
- Process Assessments
- Clinical Sciences
- Sepsis
- Cardiovascular Medicine
- Informatics
- Basic Sciences
- Sympathetic Nervous System
- Hemostatic Function
- Cytokine Responses
- Vasomotor Reactivity
- Pharmacogenomics
- Phospholipase Enzyme Systems
There are numerous opportunities for scholarly activity in ACCM. Please explore our research portfolio at https://anesthesiology.hopkinsmedicine.org/research/.
Multi-Disciplinary Surgical Critical Care Fellows
2024 - 2025
Ayoola Ajayi, MBBS
University of Buffalo
Mohanad Baldawi, MD
Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University Program
David R. Bouchard, DO
Christiana Care Health System
Nicole DePolo, MD
Loma Linda University
Daniel Gouger, MD
The Johns Hopkins University
William Hsu, MD
The Johns Hopkins University
Mariam Ibrahim, MBBS
Metrohealth Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Chelsey Santino, MD
The Johns Hopkins University
Tony Wang, MD
The Johns Hopkins University
Adult Critical Care Fellowship
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
1800 Orleans Street, Zayed 6208
Baltimore, Maryland 21287
Program Director
Michael Banks, MD, MEHP
Medical Training Coordinator
Leslie Carter
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