Grants Received

Katherine Hoops, MD, MPH, received a grant for a project entitled “Improving the Health of People in the Justice System: A Partnership of Community Organizations and Public Health Researchers” through the Bloomberg American Health Initiative. The grant supports the creation of an advisory board with 10 local community partners including professionals from local community organizations and adolescents and adults with lived experience in the criminal legal systems to strengthen research work and support community partners and people whose health is negatively impacted by the criminal legal system. 

Accomplishments and Honors

Carly Blatt, MD, a second year Pediatrics Resident mentored by Meghan Bernier, MD, was selected to present a case series at UCSF’s 14th Annual International Conference on Neonatal and Childhood Pulmonary Vascular Disease during the “PHuzzler” plenary session.

Anjali Garg, MD, a PICU fellow, received a mentored award to attend the American Academy of Pediatrics Advocacy Conference this April as a representative of the AAP Section on Critical Care. Katherine Hoops, MD, MPH is serving as her mentor.

Robert S. Greenberg, MD, and Wayne I. Sternberger, PhD, were acknowledged for their invention and prior supporting research in an accepted abstract for the upcoming Pediatric Academic Society’s 2021 Virtual Meeting, entitled “Fetal ECG Signal Visualization Using Frequency Domain and Averaging Technique” to be presented by Pooneh Roshanitabrizi, PhD of Children’s Hospital National Medical Center.

Anita Gupta, DO, PharmD, graduated from Harvard Business School’s General Management Program (GMP) and was appointed the speaker of the graduation class. She spoke on the importance of gratitude, purpose, and service during COVID-19. 

Anita Gupta, DO, PharmD, was appointed as a U.S. FDA Advisory Committee Member for a 4-year term. She was also appointed as a Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) this month and asked to be a keynote speaker at NAP’s 40th Interprofessional Celebration – Advocating, Advancing and Thriving Together, which will be held March 18–20.

Sapna Kudchadkar, MD, PhD, FCCM, was one of three faculty at Johns Hopkins University awarded the President’s Frontier Finalist Award. The award is given to mid-career faculty who have made contributions that have transformed their discipline or field of study and have exceptional promise and potential for important future work. The award includes $80,000 to use toward research. President’s Frontier Award: Recipients | Major Initiatives | Research at JHU

Johns Hopkins Labor and Delivery and Perinatology achieved Level IV designation with a flawless review from the State of Maryland.

William T. Merritt, MD, MBA, FASA has been asked to join ERAS4OLT, an international effort to examine practices in liver transplantation, as a member of the Scientific Committee. He has asked Dr. Nicole Rizkalla to join the effort as a member of the Junior Research Committee. If all goes as planned, this will result in a consensus meeting in Europe in 2022. This is an outgrowth of the ILTS (International Liver Transplantation Society) and ESOT (European Society for Organ Transplantation) and the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), along with other societal members.

Carlie Myers, MD, MS, was nominated and selected as the Fellow member of the ACGME Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Evaluation Committee for a 2-year term.

Srinivasa Raja, MD, will be speaking at the virtual Indian Association of Palliative Care Conference 2021 next week in a session on “Pain.”

Eellan Sivanesan, MD, gave a talk, titled “Spinal Cord Stimulation and Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathy: Clinical Evidence for Pain Relief,” at the International Association for the Study of Pain Expo.

Jochen Steppan, MD, DESA, FAHA, gave Grand Rounds at Yodogawa Christian Hospital, Osaka – Japan. His talk was titled “Pulmonary Hypertension – How a Vasculopathy Affects Clinical Management.”

M-Irfan Suleman, MD, was designated as a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Additionally, he gave an invited talk, titled “Beyond Opioids, Chronic Pain Management in Children and Adolescents,” at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Palliative Care Conference on February 17.

M-Irfan Suleman, MD, is hosting an Anesthesia and Pain Medicine TeleShadowing Session for medical students on March 13th.

Articles Published

Basic and Translational Research

Chen MW, Santos P, Kulikowicz E, Koehler RC, Lee JK, Martin LJ. Targeting the mitochondrial permeability transition pore for neuroprotection in a piglet model of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. J Neurosci Res 2021; in press.

Fukunishi T, Ong CS, He YJ, Inoue T, Zhang H, Steppan J, Matsushita H, Johnson J, Santhanam L, Hibino N. Fast-degrading TEVGs lead to increased ECM cross-linking enzymes expression. Tissue Eng Part A 2021; in press.

Li Q, Lan X, Han X, Durham F, Wan J, Weiland A, Koehler RC, Wang J. Microglia-derived interleukin-10 accelerates post-intracerebral hemorrhage hematoma clearance by regulating CD36. Brain Behav Immun 2021; in press.

Clinical Research

Bicket MC, Fu D, Swarthout MD, White E, Nesbit SA, Monitto CL. Effect of drug disposal kits and fact sheets on elimination of leftover prescription opioids: The DISPOSE multi-arm randomized controlled trial. Pain Med 2021; in press. Supported by the CRC.

Bridges BC, Kilbaugh TJ, Barbaro RP, Bembea MM, Chima RS, Potera RM, Rosner EA, Sandhu HS, Slaven JE, Tarquinio KM, Cheifetz IM, Rowan CM, Friedman ML. Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for children with cancer or hematopoietic cell transplant: a ten center cohort. ASAIO J 2021; in press.

Chakravarthy K, Goel A, Jeha GM, Kaye AD, Christo PJ. Review of the current state of urine drug testing in chronic pain: still effective as a clinical tool and curbing abuse, or an arcane test? Curr Pain Headache Rep 2021; 25:12.

Chu R, Umukoro N, Greer T, Roberts J, Adekoya P, Odonkor CA, Hagedorn JM, Olatoye D, Urits I, Orhurhu MS, Umukoro P, Viswanath O, Hasoon J, Kaye AD, Orhurhu V. Intravenous lidocaine infusion for the management of early postoperative pain: a comprehensive review of controlled trials. Psychopharmacol Bull 2020; 50:216-59.

de WJ, van der Jagt M, Lingsma HF, Roozenbeek B, Calvillo E, Chou SH, Dziedzic PH, Etminan N, Huang J, Ko NU, Loch MR, Martin RL, Potu NR, Venkatasubba Rao CP, Vergouwen MDI, Suarez JI. International practice variability in treatment of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Clin Med 2021; 10.

Doshi TL, Dworkin RH, Polomano RC, Carr DB, Edwards RR, Finnerup NB, Freeman RL, Paice JA, Weisman SJ, Raja SN. AAAPT diagnostic criteria for acute neuropathic pain. Pain Med 2021; in press.

Doshi TL, Staats PS. fMRI in vagus nerve stimulation for migraine: a biomarker-based approach to pain research. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2021; in press.

Edlow BL, Boly M, Chou SH, Fischer D, Kondziella D, Li LM, Mac Donald CL, McNett M, Newcombe VFJ, Stevens RD, Menon DK. Common data elements for COVID-19 neuroimaging: a GCS-NeuroCOVID proposal. Neurocrit Care 2021; in press.

El-Tallawy SN, Nalamasu R, Salem GI, LeQuang JAK, Pergolizzi JV, Christo PJ. Management of musculoskeletal pain: an update with emphasis on chronic musculoskeletal pain. Pain Ther 2021; in press.

Erdek MA, Chen AF, Humbyrd CJ. Are growing rates of total joint arthroplasty in younger patients of concern? Pain Med 2021; in press.

Ghafoor S, Fan K, Williams S, Brown A, Bowman S, Pettit KL, Gorantla S, Quillivan R, Schwartzberg S, Curry A, Parkhurst L, James M, Smith J, Canavera K, Elliiott A, Frett M, Trone D, Butrum-Sullivan J, Barger C, Lorino M, Mazur J, Dodson M, Melancon M, Hall LA, Rains J, Avent Y, Burlison J, Wang F, Pan H, Lenk MA, Morrison RR, Kudchadkar SR. Beginning restorative activities very early: implementation of an early mobility initiative in a pediatric onco-critical care unit. Front Oncol 2021; 11.

Gilligan CJ, Cohen SP, Fischetti VA, Hirsch JA, Czaplewski LG. Chronic low back pain, bacterial infection and treatment with antibiotics. Spine J 2021; in press.

Giuliano K, Chen YJ, Coletti K, O’Brien C, Jelin E, Garcia A. Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the treatment of amlodipine overdose in a pediatric patient. J Surg Case Rep 2021; 2021:rjab014.

Goel V, Moran B, Kaizer AM, Sivanesan E, Patwardhan AM, Ibrahim M, DeWeerth JC, Shannon C, Shankar H. Opioid prescriptions by pain medicine physicians in the Medicare Part D Program: A cross-sectional study. Anesth Analg 2021; in press.

Gregory ME, Hughes AM, Benishek LE, Sonesh SC, Lazzara EH, Woodard LD, Salas E. Toward the development of the perfect medical team: critical components for adaptation. J Patient Saf 2021; 17:e47-e70.

Gudenkauf JC, Geocadin RG. Post-anoxic myoclonus: How can something unclear and unvalidated define early prognosis in cardiac arrest survivors? Resuscitation 2021; in press.

Guemes A, Ray S, Aboumerhi K, Desjardins MR, Kvit A, Corrigan AE, Fries B, Shields T, Stevens RD, Curriero FC, Etienne-Cummings R. A syndromic surveillance tool to detect anomalous clusters of COVID-19 symptoms in the United States. Sci Rep 2021; 11:4660.

Hassett CE, Cho SM, Suarez JI. Tachyarrhythmias and neurologic complications. Handb Clin Neurol 2021; 177:151-62.

Hudson AS, Nguyen T-HE. Anesthetic considerations and perioperative optimization of a patient with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia in the ambulatory surgical setting: a case report. Journal of Surgery and Anesthesia 2021; 5:142.

Hwang J, Caturegli G, White B, Chen L, Cho SM. Cerebral microbleeds and intracranial hemorrhages in adult patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation-autopsy study. Crit Care Explor 2021; 3:e0358.

Kannapadi NV, Alomari SO, Caturegli G, Bydon A, Cho SM. Management of syringomyelia associated with tuberculous meningitis: a case report and systematic review of the literature. J Clin Neurosci 2021; 87:20-5.

Nyhan SM, Kolb TM, Steppan J. Anesthetic techniques for patients with pulmonary hypertension undergoing ophthalmologic procedures: A case series. J Clin Anesth 2021; 71:110220.

Ordonez AA, Tucker EW, Anderson CJ, Carter CL, Ganatra S, Kaushal D, Kramnik I, Lin PL, Madigan CA, Mendez S, Rao J, Savic RM, Tobin DM, Walzl G, Wilkinson RJ, Lacourciere KA, Via LE, Jain SK. Visualizing the dynamics of tuberculosis pathology using molecular imaging. J Clin Invest 2021; 131:e145107.

Peden CJ, Aggarwal G, Aitken RJ, Anderson ID, Bang FN, Cooper Z, Dhesi JK, French WB, Grant MC, Hammarqvist F, Hare SP, Havens JM, Holena DN, Hübner M, Kim JS, Lees NP, Ljungqvist O, Lobo DN, Mohseni S, Ordonez CA, Quiney N, Urman RD, Wick E, Wu CL, Young-Fadok T, Scott M. Guidelines for perioperative care for emergency laparotomy Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society recommendations: Part 1-preoperative: diagnosis, rapid assessment and optimization. World J Surg 2021; in press.

Piran P, Stevens RD. Lung-protective ventilation and adjunctive strategies to manage respiratory failure: are they safe in the neurological patient? Curr Opin Crit Care 2021; 27:115-9.

Sherman DL, Williams A, Gd S, Modi HR, Wang Q, Thakor NV, Geocadin RG. Intranasal orexin after cardiac arrest leads to increased electroencephalographic gamma activity and enhanced neurologic recovery in rats. Crit Care Explor 2021; 3:e0349.

Siraj S, Stark W, McKinley SD, Morrison JM, Sochet AA. The bronchiolitis severity score: An assessment of face validity, construct validity, and interobserver reliability. Pediatr Pulmonol 2021; in press.

Tucker EW, Marais S, Seddon JA, van CR, Ganiem AR, Ruslami R, Zhang W, Sun F, Zhou X, Solomons RS, Cresswell FV, Wilmshurst J, Rohlwink U. International survey reveals opportunities to improve tuberculous meningitis management and the need for standardized guidelines. Open Forum Infect Dis 2020; 7:ofaa445.


Zanin A, García-Salido A, Rodríguez-Rubio M, Camporesi A, Ulloa-Gutierrez R, Villar ME, González-Dambrauskas S, Kudchadkar SR, Carroll CL. Live tweeting the discovery of a new Coronavirus Disease 2019-related syndrome in children. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2021; in press.

Quality Improvement

Hirji SA, Salenger R, Boyle EM, Williams J, Reddy VS, Grant MC, Chatterjee S, Gregory AJ, Arora R, Engelman DT. Expert consensus of data elements for collection for Enhanced Recovery After Cardiac Surgery. World J Surg 2021; 45:917-25.

Khasawneh A, Chalil MK, Zinzow H, Rosopa P, Natarajan G, Achuthan K, Narasimhan M. Factors contributing to adolescents’ and young adults’ participation in Web-based challenges: survey study. JMIR Pediatr Parent 2021; 4:e24988.

Lo BD, Cho BC, Hensley NB, Cruz NC, Gehrie EA, Frank SM. Impact of body weight on hemoglobin increments in adult red blood cell transfusion. Transfusion 2021; in press.

Strauss AT, Yeh J, Martinez DA, Yenokyan G, Yoder J, Nehra R, Feller T, Bull-Henry K, Stein E, Hsu LCH, Al-Grain H, Zabko C, Fain C. A patient-centered framework for health systems engineering in gastroenterology: improving inpatient colonoscopy bowel preparation. BMC Gastroenterol 2021; 21:89.